10 Mar 2023
Narrated by Ibn Abbas: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days of Dhul-Hijjah."
Dhul Hijjah- a time of hard sacrifices and beautiful truths. In this month, us Muslims come together once again to fast and indulge ourselves in its blessings—all while our friends and family travel thousands of miles to perform a gruel some yet rewarding pilgrimage. Many of us wish we were there, experiencing firsthand a generations-old journey to self-fulfillment. And yet, even more of us create our own journeys, filled with struggle and reward, right from home.
This year, we at MWL launched our Dhul Hijjah campaign Brightening the Best Days. Our mission was to use our sacrifices of time and money in order to bring light to lives filled with darkness during the best days of the year. From a lack of protein to immeasurable hunger, we make sacrifices of wealth and time to alleviate others who face food insecurity. In that way, we experience hardships so that others don’t. And the beauty of sacrifice, as we learn in Dhul Hijjah, is that they are never without reward.ed by Ibn Abbas: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days of Dhul-Hijjah.”
Narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “There is no day more honorable in the sight of Allah…than the Day of Arafah.” (Tirmidhi)
With the support of thousands, our Dhul Hijjah appeal has been a very successful campaign. We have received over 2500 Qurbani sacrifices, feeding thousands of families from India to Sierra Leone to Syria. Communities gathered together to assure one another that access to food and hope are possible. Our supporters’ sacrifices with MWL kept people together to love and support one another, knowing that love and support are available—even from their brothers and sisters thousands of miles away.

We at MWL thank our supporters for contributing their time and resources to ensure that others are relieved from their own sacrifices. This Dhul Hijjah, we have seen incredible support from people wanting to see a world comforted by blessings. We hope that those who’ve contributed continue to see the fruits of their blessings, by seeing the impact their patronage brought. We thank our supporters for illuminating the lives of plenty and bringing lifelong strength to communities across the globe.