Official Registered Name
Year Established
Registration Number
Physical Address
Legal Operational Jurisdiction/s
Head of Organization
Head of Organization Email
Primary Contact
Primary Contact Telephone
Primary Contact Email
Project ID
Total budget
Funds requested from PA USA
Start date – end date
Number of direct beneficiaries
Senior Project Manager
Field Manager / Coordinator
Number of regular staff
Paragraph Text
List other notable organizations, institutions and individuals who will be involved in the project delivery.
Problem statement. Define the issue/s or need/s that the project aims to address. Refer to notable information sources where possible.
Give a board description/outline of the project, with key objectives, and planned activities.
How will your organization implement the project (this should cover details like who, what, where, when, why and how)
Please describe your organization’s plans for branding and marking throughout implementation.
Direct: Those that will directly benefit:
Indirect: Those who are secondary beneficiaries:
Selection How the proposed beneficiaries will be selected.
Provide estimate of age and gender disaggregation of beneficiaries.
Will this project benefit minorities, disabled and other disadvantaged groups? (If yes, please elaborate briefly).
How have the beneficiaries participated in the planning and design of this action?
Will any humanitarian accountability measures will be put in place? Eg. complaints mechanisms, information provision for beneficiaries and communities.
How will monitoring and evaluation be carried out during and post implementation, and what monitoring tools or processes will be utilized?
How will beneficiaries participate in project monitoring during and post implementation?
Operational transparency (programmatic & financial).
Information management for reporting purposes and evaluation of proposed intervention / activities.