Make sure you have the most blessing in the wealth from your savings and assets by donating your Zakat as is required in Islam. MWL is Zakat eligible and our Zakat calculator is a convenient way to ascertain what you need to donate.
Zakat Al-Mal is an annual requirement for Muslims to donate 2.5% of their income and wealth to a charitable cause
Mercy Without Limits services multiple underserved communities, from widows, to refugee children, to people with disabilities; your charitable donation with MWL will be used to develop programs for those in need.
A yearly donation can make a lifetime impact on communities worldwide. Allow us to help you fulfill your obligation and purify your wealth.
Zakat Facts:
- Zakat is calculated as 2.5% of your wealth and assets.
- You only have to pay Zakat on the wealth that you’ve maintained for a year.
- Zakat must be given with the intention that it is for Zakat, not a generic donation.