Lives have been lost and over 500 shelters have burnt down due to a deadly fire in the Rohingya refugee camps
Over 500 shanties burnt down
Donate now to feed and shelter those whose lives has been engulfed by flames
- $500 provide a family with a tent.
- $100 provide a family with a food basket
- $10 provide a hot meal to a person in need.
At least 546 houses of Rohingya refugees were burnt down and many more were damaged following a deadly fire in Cox's Bazaar, the largest refugee camp in the world. These shelters are the only hope some of these families have to survive. Donate today to help rebuild homes for those in need.
The situation is immensely dire; the affected people urgently need food, clean water, shelter, and medical care. Your immediate response to this call can bring them the relief they desperately need.
Be a source of life saving relief to someone who has had everything destroyed in a terrifying instant.