Where Most Needed - Mercy Without Limits
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Blessings in the Land of Senegal

Senegal is one of the most stable countries in West Africa, however families still suffer from chronic poverty, a situation marked by a lack of means to escape poverty.

Water is an essential resource for all life—yet it is lacking for many across the country.

Many Senegalese face persistent challenges of an insecure food and water supply. Even when water is accessible, the absence of clean hygiene resources jeopardizes its safety and usability.

MWL is now providing our supporters the opportunity to contribute to relieving the food and water scarcity in Senegal and other African countries. Poverty stricken areas in Senegal continue to rise in number, and your help can ensure thousands receive the help they need. Donating food will not only create hunger relief, it will also provide the peace of mind needed to pursue other holistic life improvements like, education, and child-care. If you contribute food and water, you contribute to life.



There are many ways that you can support Mercy Without Limits projects in Senegal.

Water wells

Access to clean water is a human right—one that is denied for so many people. Your donation with MWL builds sustainable, clean water for communities around the globe.

Food Aid

For $100, you can donate food baskets to families in need all year around and provide a family with food staples that will last them for a month.


of the population has access to proper sanitation resources


of Senegalese children live below the poverty line


people die due to lack of access to WASH each year



The stunning landscape of Myanmar is embroidered with its rich cultural diversity. But many of its communities are shadowed with poverty, food insecurity, and water scarcity.



There are many ways that you can support Mercy Without Limits projects in Myanmar.

Sponsor An Orphan

Without family support, children struggle to attain necessary resources to live. Your donation directly supports an orphan in need.

Widow Support

Providing for widows in need helps them care for their children and enables their independence with long-term sustainability.

Food Aid

You can donate food baskets to families in need all year around and provide a family with food staples that will last them for a month.

Shadowed by poverty and water insecurity, Myanmar/Burma is sprouting with culture and innovation.

Communities lack the means to access necessities, leaving them unable to thrive in the place they call home.

MWL is committed to helping you bring light and relieve them of their difficulties. Your support funds projects that sustain communities with food, water, and all other necessities. From the youngest child to the greyest elder, your commitment to the Myanmar people reverberates love and empowerment in the lives of thousands in need.


of the population live below the poverty line.


of the population is undernourished.


of the rural population have limited access to clean water services.



From poverty to displacement, Moroccans face uncertainty of what their new life will bring.



There are many ways that you can support Mercy Without Limits projects in Morocco.

Food Aid

For $100, you can donate food baskets to families in need all year around and provide a family with food staples that will last them for a month.

Morocco is home to thousands of orphans and families in need. Many facing poverty are living without basic necessities— they need your help.

Morocco is a beautiful land of winding roads, golden dunes, and azure North African coasts. Despite the environmental beauty, those facing hardship in Morocco remain in desperate need. Poverty, displacement and natural disasters have left local communities lacking consistent availability of basic resources. MWL is committed to providing the necessities of life – food, and water – to those who may not have access otherwise. 

Help the children of Morocco today with food baskets; your contribution distributes meals to Moroccan orphans and families in need. 


of the Moroccan child population lives under the poverty line.


of Moroccan children are stunted and growth due to malnutrition.


of Moroccan children between five and 14 participated in child labor to support their families.



Guinea-Bissau is home to thousands of communities—though their colors continue to be shrouded by limited access to clean water. Without water, communities have limited potential to form and grow. Today, you can donate to support life in Guinea-Bissau.



There are many ways that you can support Mercy Without Limits projects in Guinea-Bissau.

Water Aid

Access to clean water is a human right—one that is denied for so many people. Your donation with MWL builds sustainable, clean water for communities around the globe.

> 0%

of the population in Guinea-Bissau live below the national poverty line.

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of people in Guinea-Bissau do not have access to sanitation facilities.


of the population does not have access to clean water resources.

Water insecurity - a cloud over the lives of many

An essential component to life, water is a necessity that communities in West Africa continue to live without. Families across Guinea Bissau experience thirst as a part of their lives. When water is scarce, people cannot take care of their children, the elderly, and themselves.  

We at MWL are giving you the opportunity to provide unlimited support to families in West Africa. Donating a water well means you can enable communities to come together and access hygienic water for over a decade before the wells need maintenance (which our team will train local inhabitants on).  

You can bring light to thousands in need by constructing a water well in Guinea-Bissau.  



A gem in the rough—Togolese life continues to be hidden under ruins of poverty and water insecurity. Building water wells and sustaining life in Togo brings its light back to the surface.



There are many ways that you can support Mercy Without Limits projects in Togo.

Water Aid

Access to clean water is a human right—one that is denied for so many people. Your donation with MWL builds sustainable, clean water for communities around the globe.

A pearl under water, not under strife

Clean and sustainable water continues to be a struggle for Togolese people in poverty-stricken communities. Our mission is to provide access to safe drinking water to the citizens of this beautiful West African nation. Your support builds deep and tube water wells that last a decade before needing maintenance.  

With the support of volunteers on-site, water wells are being built so communities can prosper independently. When you donate to build water wells in Togo, lives change: no longer do families need to travel far distances for water; communities can practice better hygiene and eliminate diseases; and people can live healthier lives. Provide relief today.   

> 0%

of the Togolese population live below the national poverty line.

> 0%

of Togolese people do not have access to basic drinking water services.

> 0%

of Togolese people have access to basic sanitation services.




Impressive are the mountains reigning Tanzania-- and so is the mercy you can give to its people. Like Mount Kilimanjaro, your help supports Tanzanians reach their highest potential—without the restraints of poverty and water insecurity.



There are many ways that you can support Mercy Without Limits projects in Tanzania.

Water Aid

Access to clean water is a human right—one that is denied for so many people. Your donation with MWL builds sustainable, clean water for communities around the globe.

Food boxes

Food insecurity causes many psychological issues beyond just the physical body. Donating with MWL to send food boxes secures a family of 5 for a month.

A thirst for life

When clean water is available, communities can truly live— children can focus on education; families can take care of their elderly; and people can come together to celebrate all of life’s joys. In a semi-autonomous agreement, both Tanzania and Zanzibar experience what life—or lack thereof—is like without water. Often, water is unsafe for drinking or for hygiene, leaving communities to focus their energy on finding water that is. 

Water is crucial to survive and thrive. That is why MWL is providing you the option to construct water wells for families in need in Tanzania. When you donate to build a water well, communities can come together to support one another, for over a decade before water wells require routine maintenance. With clean water, children can learn; families are taken care of; and people can experience life at its highest potential.  

Uplift communities – build a water well today.  

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people living in Sub-Saharan Africa lack access to reliable water resources.


A Yearning for Life

With water, communities can focus on their youth and people can learn from one another.



There are many ways that you can support Mercy Without Limits projects in Zanzibar.

Water Aid

Access to clean water is a human right—one that is denied for so many people. Your donation with MWL builds sustainable, clean water for communities around the globe.

The people of Zanzibar have a desire to live life—and no way of doing so. Poverty and water scarcity prove a significant disadvantage to people hoping to gain a better quality of life. What if you could give life to those in need?

In communities where water is scarce, families travel miles to find it, leaving children unable to focus on gaining knowledge. Water is more than a need — water is a baseline for people to come together. With water, communities can focus on their youth and people can learn from one another. 

As part of a semi-autonomous agreement with Tanzania, Zanzibar is not naïve to the struggles of water insecurity. That is why MWL is now offering you the ability to construct water wells and change lives in the region. Your donation to build a water well guarantees communities can access clean drinking water for a decade. With reliable access to this vital resource, children can spend less time looking for water and more time changing the world.  


of people in Zanzibar live below the poverty line. 



Known as the Gateway to Africa, Ghana is a country MWL highlights as one with an extensive history and vibrant culture. Unfortunately, Ghana's light is dimmed behind water insecurity and poverty.



There are many ways that you can support Mercy Without Limits projects in Ghana.

Water Aid

Access to clean water is a human right—one that is denied for so many people. Your donation with MWL builds sustainable, clean water for communities around the globe.

Food Aid

For $100, you can donate food baskets to families in need all year around and provide a family with food staples that will last them for a month.

What does access to water do?

Being able to use safe, hygienic water means communities can become communities. When water is difficult to access, people are forced to walk miles to access it—leaving behind opportunities to focus on education and take care of their loved ones. Water is more than for drinking, and when it is accessible, communities can focus less on accessing it, and more on supporting one another. 

MWL is now offering our generous supporters the opportunity to construct life-changing water wells in communities across multiple African countries. Giving families in Ghana access to water means that you can restore vibrance in the lives of many.  

When water is available, there are more reasons to celebrate life—help those in need embrace life today.  

> 0%

of the population in Ghana live below the national poverty line.


of households in Ghana did not have access to improved sanitation facilities.


of the population in Ghana does not have access to improved drinking water sources.



Housing the Gambian River, water ebbs and flows through Gambian soil and life. Despite this, thousands of Gambians continue to live with limited water and sanitation supply. Water wells help ensure Gambians have access to this vital resource—so communities can prosper and flourish.



There are many ways that you can support Mercy Without Limits projects in The Gambia.

Water Aid

Access to clean water is a human right—one that is denied for so many people. Your donation with MWL builds sustainable, clean water for communities around the globe.

For $100, you can donate food baskets to families in need all year around and provide a family with food staples that will last them for a month.

Water is an essential resource for Gambian life—yet it is lacking for many across the country.

While the Gambian River provides a source of water and transportation, communities continue to suffer from insecure water supply. When water is available, clean hygiene resources to ensure water is safe and usable are few to none.  

MWL is now providing our supporters the opportunity to contribute to relieving water scarcity in Gambia and other African countries. Poverty stricken areas in Gambia continue to rise in number, and your help can ensure thousands receive the help they need. Contribute to water, contribute to life.  

> 0%

of Gambians live in extreme poverty.


of Gambians live below the poverty line.

> 0%

of the population of Sierra Leone is below the poverty line - that's more than half the country



Our team of passionate humanitarians is headquartered in the US, in Overland Park, KS. All management and leadership roles are in the United States. Donor care inquiries and related admin work are managed domestically, as well.

Our Team is Here for YOU!

MWL is based in the greater Kansas City area, with staff members working on-site and remotely around the country. Management and leadership support are all based nationally within the US.  

We pride ourselves on the exceptional quality of our donor care. Our donor care officers will do their best to assist supporters by answering questions, updating information, and providing details on specific programs upon request. 

In addition to bringing humanitarian aid in developing countries around the world, MWL also provides relief in emergency situations in the United States. In the past, we have facilitated access to emergency supplies in areas suffering from the water crisis such as Flint, Michigan and Garland, Texas.  

You can always contact our US office and one of our team members will be pleased to help assist you in any way they can. 

Contact us: