There are many ways that you can support Mercy Without Limits projects in Jordan.

You can sponsor an orphan in need and provide them with food, clothing, healthcare and an education that will enable them to pursue their dreams.

Providing for widows in need helps them care for their children and enables their independence with long-term sustainability.

You can donate food baskets to families in need all year around and provide a family with food staples that will last them for a month.
A pearl under water, not under strife
Clean and sustainable water continues to be a struggle for Togolese people in poverty-stricken communities. Our mission is to provide access to safe drinking water to the citizens of this beautiful West African nation. Your support builds deep and tube water wells that last a decade before needing maintenance.
With the support of volunteers on-site, water wells are being built so communities can prosper independently. When you donate to build water wells in Togo, lives change: no longer do families need to travel far distances for water; communities can practice better hygiene and eliminate diseases; and people can live healthier lives. Provide relief today.
of the population of Jordan live below the poverty
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Syrian refugees were registered with UNHCR in Jordan, as of April 2022
of refugees in host communities in Jordan are food insecure